Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Hyman: The Food Fix

Hey folks!

I’m really excited to share the release of Dr. Mark Hyman’s book “Food Fix” on February 25th. 

If you are not familiar, Dr. Hyman is the 10 time New York Times bestselling author, mainly on the topics of nutrition. This time, Dr. Hyman has tackled the thorny topic of not just good human nutrition, but the importance for a regenerative food system to produce that food. 

This is controversial stuff…

It can be near career suicide mentioning these topics. It’s a quick way to get shadow banned on social media (or have one’s account closed outright). Not infrequently I scratch my head as to why Diana Rodgers and I tackled the Sacred Cow project, as the blowback and vitriol around a book and film that have not yet been released has been remarkable. 

Diana and I championed this cause because we see the need for a more nuanced discussion of topics like food production and climate change. I know Dr. Hyman fairly well, and he has similar values and a sense that the narrative has become one sided and is often at odds with reality. For example, the tagline for the Food Fix is “How to Save Our Health, Our Economy, Our Communities, and Our Planet–One Bite at a Time.” 

What many do not realize is the standard fare offered by the media and many governmental outlets is that the ONLY way to address climate change is via a shift to a largely vegan diet. There is absolutely no recognition of what that shift would do to the economy, particularly of developing nations, nor what it would do to rural communities, which have been crushed by the consolidation that typifies the industrial food system. 

This book is not abs and skinny jeans. It is not DIRECTLY a feel-good missive that seems to be what most folks look for these days. This may make the message tough for many to get excited about, but for some this will be both:

  1. A north star with regards how to begin thinking about these topics. 
  2. A ray of hope in an otherwise bleak landscape of nihilistic rhetoric. 

If you have some concerns around food security, sovereignty, climate change, and freedom, you will love this book. 

Click here to Pre-order Food Fix today.

As an exclusive gift for anyone who pre-orders, Dr. Hyman is including three bonuses. You’ll get his Longevity Master Class—an in-depth look at how to age better, his 10 Day Food Fix Reset, a master plan to promote better health and ethical choices, and an exclusive discount bundle from conscious shops, like FRESHPAPER, Stasher, and more.



Via Health & Wellness http://www.rssmix.com/

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