Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Skinnytaste Success Story: Katherine Garbarino

Skinnytaste Success Story: Katherine Garbarino

I’ve been getting emails for years from people who lost weight with the help of my recipes, and I’m always so inspired to here their stories. How did they lose it, what kept them motivated, what were they doing to keep it off? Everyone’s story is different and I think it’s so inspiring to hear what worked for them. I plan on sharing some of those stories at least once a month to hopefully help you in your weight loss journey! Katherine happens to be one of those people who reached out to me on Instagram. I asked her if she would be willing to share her story with before and after photos and she said yes, so I’m happy share my first Skinnytaste Success story as a way to motivate and inspire, and hope to share more in the future! Please welcome Katherine Garbarino!

Name: Katherine Garbarino
Age: 31
Height: 5’’8
Weight Lost: 45 lbs

What motivated you to lose the weight?

I was luckily, always very confident but I knew I had let myself go. My younger sisters (twins) were so much thinner than me and I felt like the “fat” sister. I wasn’t unhappy but I also wasn’t healthy, I avoided weighing myself because I wasn’t ready to deal with it. One day I weighed myself and I was 182 lbs and I said ok thats it! Time to get it together before this gets worse… it was a wake up call. I knew what I was doing wrong I just needed to stick to being “good” and accountable.

Brief summary of how you lost the weight, were you counting calories? Weight Watchers? etc

My weight loss journey has been a process to say the least. When it began I used the “my fitness pal” app and logged all meal and calories. It kept me accountable and made me realize what I was eating and how to “stretch” my calories for the day. Cooking my own dinners and finding lighter and lower calorie versions of desserts and some of my favorite meals was a key to my success. At the time (about 5 years ago) Skinnytaste was really the only blog I used for healthier and lighter recipes. I would literally google the dish I wanted to make and then Skinnytaste (ex. Breaded Chicken Skinnytaste) and sure enough there was always a recipe available to me.

After about a year I had lost 20 lbs and then I started to figure my way out around my calories and stopped counting as I think there has to come a time where we depend on our own intuition and start eating intuitively. My whole life changed and I consistently have kept changing and evolving and learning more and more to better my health and the quality of foods I eat. I eat for benefits and flavor and have found a great balance. Throughout all of this I still go to Skinnytaste for my recipes and for inspiration on what to make. There is always good options and alternative and Gina makes cooking healthy fun and FAR from boring! Thank u for the all the hard work and dedication you put into your blog. It really was life changing and helpful to me throughout my journey. As someone who is new to Video Blogging I can truthfully say it is a lot of work to stay accountable and consistent!

Top three biggest long term changes you made:

  1. Knowing exactly what I am putting into my body and eating for a purpose rather than just to eat.
  2. Dedicating a good hour to preparing homemade, organic meals at least 4 nights a week to help me stay on track.
  3. Using my journey and story as motivation for others to do the same and live their best lives and avoid illness in the future.

Tell me about your morning routine, I know you drink bullet proof coffee every morning, is this a meal replacement?

If you follow me on Instagram or Youtube then you will know I begin every morning with a luke-warm glass of water with half a lemon squeezed in and some sea salt. It kick starts your digestive system, gives you tons of natural energy, wakes up your organs, makes your skin healthier and glow amongst sooo many other things. (You can see my Youtube video about lemon water here).

I wait 20 – 30 mins depending how much time I have and I then make my Bulletproof Coffee… I add a lot of other things to mine because it works well for me and I have tried it many ways. There is a science behind Bulletproof coffee that I explain in detail on my youtube channel, see the video here. Many people are scared to add these kinds of fats to their diet but it has only made me thinner, given me more energy and seriously changed my life for the better. I do a workout after my bulletproof coffee and I do still have breakfast after my workout… I explain in detail in my videos.

What are some of your favorite Skinnytaste recipes.

Seriously everything! I use Yummly to store my recipes in one place and 70% are Skinnytaste so its hard to choose just a few but in the beginning my “go to” recipes I depended on were…

Kung Pao Zoodles
Baked Chicken Milanese with Arugula and Tomatoes
Turkey Picadillo
Seattle Asian Salmon Bowl (personal Fave)
Turkey Stuffed Peppers
3 Ingredient Breakfast Cookies

Please tell everyone where they can follow you!

You can find me on Instagram @kgmtl for daily tips, tricks and advice. Lifestyle, healthy eating, fitness, beauty, skincare and everything else… I really share it all! I also recently started my youtube channel.

I began “vlogging” 5 months ago and in that short time I have helped a lot of people get of track and make better decisions when it comes to food and all around wellness. My passion is to inspire others to make the right choices when it comes to what we eat, the products we use (beauty and home) how to properly fuel our bodies and minds to be the best versions of ourselves. I share all my little secrets I have learnt along the way to help it happen faster. I also have suffered from digestive issues, eczema, and cystic acne and have overcome all of these through proper nutrition, eliminations and supplements!

Thank you for letting me share my story and I hope to inspire and help others to care about eating REAL food for benefits. And thank you to Gina and Skinnytaste for giving us all that good inspiration and making eating healthy delicious and fun!

Skinnytaste Success Story: Katherine Garbarino

Before (180 lbs)
After (135 lbs)

Do you have a Skinnytaste Success Story? If so, we want to hear about it! For a chance to get your story published, email me at ginah2design@gmail.com and use Success Story in the subject line.

Via Health & Wellness http://www.rssmix.com/

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