Thursday, March 22, 2018

Episode 387 – Q&A with Robb and Nicki



Hey Folks!

We’re back with another Q&A episode (yes, we’re going to be doing these regularly)!

If you have a question for a future episode, submit them here

1. (3:00) Low Carb and Low Testosterone

Steve says:
Hey Robb and Nicki!

Any ideas as to why when I switched to low carb, my SHBG shot up, and, of course, my Free Testosterone went down…not good! I heard a podcast between Asprey and D’Agostino a while back and Dave mentioned that he was seeing that in a small percentage of clients, but did not know why? Hence…any thoughts you can provide would be helpful.

Stay the course…!!!

2. (5:30) Can visceral fat go away without procedures?

Annie says:

Hey Robb-
Thanks for looking over my question.
I am a 51 yr old woman- 27 years with Hashi’s and I was just diagnosed with Reactive Hypoglycemia.
(Additional Back story- I’ve recently come through a 3 yr ordeal with adrenal fatigue and whacked out thyroid)
In a recent Dexa scan, it showed that I have a layer of visceral fat (and a much higher general body fat % than I expected) which prompted my Endo/Functional Med doc to advise me to start taking Metformin (I cried- I feel like I lost ) .
The scan results explain why I can feel the solidity of my ab muscles , but still have a section in my lower belly that is distended from under my ab muscles and not the same quasi-flatness of my upper abs.
Even though I eat Low Carb/ Keto and do HIIT/Crossfit/Lifting 3-4 hours a week , I cannot seem to get the fat from this area to reduce or disappear.
Will these combined strategies( low carb, exercise and metformin) shrink fat cells or make the fat go away? Or am I doomed to this to be my new, undesirable situation? It’s not simply about vanity, its actually more about how I feel in a body that is not the one I’ve known and had to work with throughout the majority of my life. I’ve always been a mesomorph/athlete and usually around 20-22% body fat naturally (now I’m measured at 32%).

My question is it possible for that visceral belly fat to go away or get smaller through my current course of action? Or is that only possible through outside tools and resources like cool sculpting? I realize that sounds pretty vain, but again, it’s a big change for my body and I am not loving it at all.

Thanks Robb-


3. (14:01) Keto diet and raised triglycerides

Conor says:

Hi Robb,

Huge fan of everything you do! I know you are super busy, but when you get a chance could you expand on keto and triglycerides? I am a 24-year-old male, 5’10 180 and about 15% body fat, very committed to weightlifting, yoga, nutrition, and fitness in general. I just got back a blood test and I had a raised triglycerides levels, about 220. I was wondering if I can do anything to lower this or if this is even bad. Anything will help, and I will be looking forward to your response.

Excited about your upcoming content and everything you do!

Kind Regards,


4. (17:51) Fasting
Nate says :
How do you know when adding in fasting is appropriate? For those who have most things dialed in (sleep, appropriate exercise, etc.). Also, is doing a calorie deficit similar to the 5:2 diet (as opposed to a normal daily deficit) advisable?

Paper link: Caloric restriction does not enhance longevity in all species and is unlikely to do so in humans

5. (23:11) Women and Keto
Holly says:
Hi Robb,
I hear a lot of people talk about IF may be stressful for a woman’s hormones, potentially causing mood deregulation and/or hair loss. I occasionally eat more carbs to address this, although I’m not sure if I have to if I’m feeling fine. Is there any benefit to scheduled/regular increase in carbs for women, and how much are we talking about? What are the circumstances of IF being contraindicated?

There’s lots of flys in here Tony reference:
If you are ever depressed, this will fix it: (NSFW language warning)

6. (27:53) Fasting (answered with next question together in one)
Madison says:

What is allowed during a period of fasting? Clear broth, coffee, lemon water, and tea, just water, or some combination?

Thank you!

7. (27:53) Intermittent fasting and coffee with coconut oil/milk (answered along with previous question)

Caroline says:
I’m trying to find a definitive answer as to whether having a coffee in the morning with 1 tbsp coconut oil and 2-3 tbsp coconut milk is a good thing or a bad thing whilst doing IF and trying to lose weight (16:8 or 24 hours). I usually have one around 7am and another one around 10am.  I skip breakfast and eat around 1.30pm.

Does it take me out of fasting mode and, if so, how quickly will I go back into fasting mode assuming I don’t eat anything?  Blood ketone tests show that my ketones increase by quite a lot after drinking coffee this way but is it having a negative impact on weight loss because my body is burning the fat in the coconut oil/milk rather than in my body?

There are many conflicting reports and opinions (most mainly about BPC) and I can’t find a definitive answer.

I found this site today which is the first one I’ve seen explained this way.

What’s your take on it?

My main goal is improved health (as measured by improved sleep and improved cognition) which I’m hoping will translate into weight loss of around another 12kg’s (lost 5kg’s through keto since mid January ’18).



Twitter: @RobbWolf
Instagram: @dasRobbWolf
Facebook: @RobbWolfOnline


Keto Masterclass

The keto diet is one of the most effective ways to shed fat and improve your health. Keto Masterclass helps you start keto right, step-by-step, so that you can be successful long-term.

Learn More


Wired-to-Eat-RenderDon’t forget, Wired to Eat is now available!

Amazon, Barnes & Noble, IndieBound, iBooks

Via Health & Wellness

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