Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Wired To Eat…1 year in!

It’s been exactly one year since Wired to Eat launched and became my 2nd New York Times best selling book. Reminiscing on this, I wanted to pull together my favorite 5 podcasts talking about the book…and much more.

On each episode we’ll talk Wired to Eat (how we’ve gotten to our modern food system, the gut microbiome, insulin sensitivity, 30-Day Reset, and more) as well as wherever else our conversation takes us (highlighted below)…  

Wellness Force Radio: how I struggled with my own health and inherited genetics, also chat about how I met Nicki, and why this idea of “calories in, calories out” simply doesn’t work.

The Joe Rogan Experience: we’ll chat how fungal overgrowths in the gut microbiome affect you, my thoughts on GMOs, ibuprofen, and CBD oil, plus…we talk coyotes.

Nourish Balance Thrive Podcast: why I felt the need to write another book and why the Paleo diet is “more misunderstood than a goth kid in Arkansas”

Sustainable Dish Podcast with Diana Rodgers, RD: we talk about the person-to-person variation in insulin and glucose responses to different foods (mainly carbs), also how our junk food industry was created

Revolution Health Radio: Chris Kresser and I talk about altering the neuroregulation of appetite and everything that feeds into it, what Chris aptly defined as the Paleo 3.0 diet, and the personalization of your way of eating.

A big takeaway from Wired To Eat is finding what works for YOU and YOUR body. Carbohydrates are an important lever to pull when it comes to your health.

Do you know how your body reacts to carbs?

Discover if carbs are your friend or frenemy: Take the Carb Tolerance Assessment now!


Get your copy of Wired To Eat now.

Via Health & Wellness http://www.rssmix.com/

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